Brooklyn Giro LLC - Bike Tours
Sponsored by: Brooklyn Giro LLC. Regarding the above excursion, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, waive and release any and all claims for damages, for death, personal injury or loss of property which I may have or which may accrue to me as a result of my participation.
I discharge and release above named sponsors, their respective agents, boards, commissions and any other involved municipalities, and employees and representatives of the foregoing, from all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in this excursion, whether or not it is caused by the negligence of any of the above parties.
I acknowledge that this excursion may involve risks, including risks associated with the conditions of the road, the risk of falling, collision with other bicyclists, motor vehicles or stationary objects. My participation is voluntary and done at my risk. I voluntarily assume all risks of loss, damage or injury that may be sustained while participating in this excursion. I attest that I am sufficiently trained for bicycling and I recognize that bicycling can be physically demanding.
I understand and agree that medical or other services rendered to me by or at the insistence of any of the above parties are not an admission of liability to provide or continue to provide such services, and are not under a waiver by any of the said parties of any right hereunder. I understand that serious accidents may occur during bicycle excursions and that the participants in this excursion may sustain mortal or serious injury as a result of their participation. Nevertheless, I agree to assume these risks and to release and hold harmless all of the persons mentioned above who might otherwise be liable to me for damages. I attest that I have checked the equipment that I will use in this excursion and it is in good mechanical condition. I also agree to not leave the tour until the tour is over.
I agree to grant the sponsors of this tour to a worldwide, royalty-free license to use my photographic, video, or digital likeness solely for promotional, educational, and/or commercial purposes.
As a participant on a tour sponsored by Brooklyn Giro LLC, I accept full responsibility for my behavior, well being, and health throughout the tour, which may involve a variety of activities, unfamiliar locations, and modes of travel, including but not limited to: climbing stairs, cycling, crossing traffic intersections, cycling through traffic, crossing bridges on foot or on bicycle, and any other activities associated with a bicycle tour. I further realize that the tour may involve walking through unfamiliar, narrow and/or steep corridors, gangways, roads, stairways and driveways. I also realize roadways may be operational during certain visits and that this presents additional hazards including heat and steam, reduced visibility, and various construction equipment. I knowingly and willfully accept these risks and take complete and total responsibility for my behavior, well being and health during the tour. I agree to hold neither Brooklyn Giro LLC, nor its Staff, Principles, Members, nor any other participate of the tour liable in any way should any harm come to me.
I also agree to be responsible for any equipment provided to me by Brooklyn Giro LLC. Should I lose any equipment, I agree to replace the equipment at the original expense to Brooklyn Giro LLC. Per any Bicycle provided to me during a tour hosted by Brooklyn Giro LLC, I agree to pay US 350.00 if I should not be able to return the bicycle in the condition in which it was given. I understand that I may be charged this the day of the tour on the credit card I provided during booking.
I have read and understand everything written above and I consent to this agreement. I further affirm that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older. If I am under eighteen (18) years of age, the person consenting on my behalf is a parent or other responsible adult.
By purchasing a tour, you affirm that you have fully understood and agree to these Terms and Conditions, Waiver and Release of Liability.